
QTea – OBST – MatterWave – QTSpace

MatterWave: A Guided Matter-Wave Interferometer on a Atom-Chip (website)

Funding SchemeFuture and Emerging Technologies FET-Proactive (link)
(2/2013 – 1/2017)

Logo MatterWaveMatterWave is a  FET Proactive Intiative and part of the Quantum Information Communication and Technologies (QICT). The aimof the MatterWave network is to train students and postdocs in Ultra-Cold Atom Physics and Matter-Wave Interferometry.  We plan to perform ultrasensitive matter-interferometry available in a highly compact and eventually portable device. Specifically, we seek to construct a guided matter-wave interferometer based on ultracold bosonic atoms that are trapped in dynamically created and highly controllable magnetic potential landscapes near an atom chip surface. Such device has the potential to induce a step change in the sensitivity with which acceleration and rotation can be measured and the expected impact extends far beyond basic physical research, for example to geoscience and navigation. To successfully tackle the ambitious research objectives we have conceived a well-structured and strongly intertwined theoretical and experimental research programme.

On route to the ultimate goal of a portable matter-wave interferometer our work will break new ground in the understanding of interferometry with interacting atomic gases, the coherence preserving control of matter-waves and the manufacturing of highly integrated magnetic and ac/dc-current carrying structures on microchips.


Atom Chip from Nottingham

In addition, we will address the challenge of combining all ingredients in a mobile device. The proposed project promises high benefit for the European Research Area, as its prospective achievements will advance applications in quantum technology, and strongly enhance the competitive edge of European Research. The envisioned program will promote researchers from different European countries and will allow them to forge a strong research alliance. This contributes to the exploitation of synergies in the European science scene, thereby building and securing leadership of Europe in ICT research.

Flag EUThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. FP7-ICT-601180.