- BEC2: 2D MOT
- Group Picture (July 2018)
- TOP trap of BEC1
- The main science chamber of Design of a dual species atom interferometer
- Group Picture (Dec 2006)
- A smiling BEC — a reproducible chance event. (black is more atoms)
- The BEC2 Team (2014)
- BEC1: TOP trap coils
- BEC2: Grigoris, Melina, Michael and Melina in the BEC2 Lab
- The first Group Picture (June 2005)
- Figure 3. Vacuum chambers and main laser beams. A beam of pre-cooled atoms, initially released from the two isotopes reservoirs (light blue), is pushed from the 2D+-MOT to the main science chamber via a differential pumping stage. A MOT is loaded right above the center of the atom chip and the atoms are pre-evaporated, after being loaded in the chip trap, using the chip RF antenna. The dipole lasers are depicted by the crossed red beams which trap the atoms at the chip vicinity to finalize the evaporation process. Once the two BECs are obtained, the interferometry pulses are applied by a couple of Raman beams (large light blue beam) along the sensitive axis.
- The first MOT at the cold atoms and quantum optics group at UNAM.
- The BEC Team (May 2009)
- Imaging section, TOP trap, and 2D-MOT of BEC1
- A smiling BEC — a reproducible chance event. (black is more atoms)
- Mountain view from FORTH (Jan. 2006)
- FOMO 2018 CONFERENCE: Crete 17.Sept. – 21.Sept. 2018 // SUMMER SCHOOL 10.Sept. – 14.Sept. 2018
- Group Picture (2006)
- Spring-at-FORTH (2006)
- 2006: Making the Laser Enclosures
- View from inside FORTH (Jan. 2006)
- Waiting for the bus (2008)
- BEC2: Closeup of the 2D-MOT of BEC2
- The BEC Team (May 2014)
- Group Sailing 2007
- The BEC Team (Dec 2008)
- Coffee discussion outside the lab (2006)
- Spring at FORTH (March 2007)
- Group Picture (Oct 2006)
- 2006
- Group Picture (Oct 2006)
- International Moustache Day (Nov 2007)
- Group Picture (Feb. 2008)
- A nice flat ring
- FORTH entrance (Jan. 2006)
- Imaging section, TOP trap, and 2D-MOT of BEC1
- The BEC1 Team (2010) Melina+Mark+Daniel+Paul
- Sunset seen from FORTH (Dec. 2005)
- Journal of Physics B: Highlight of the Year 2012
- Group Picture (2006)
- TOP trap of BEC1
- About 10^6 Rb87 atoms in a TAAP ring.
- The BEC Team (Sept. 2009)
- View from inside FORTH (Jan. 2006)
- 2D MOT in BEC2 Lab
- Spring at FORTH (March 2007)