Tag Archives: OBST

Picture of Vangelis Tzardis

Vangelis Tzardis

01/2021 – to date PhD Student at the Frederick University in Cyprus

08/2018- 09/2019 Master Student on OBST2
09/2019- 10/2020 Research Assistant on OBST2

Education and Employment:

2020 – today PhD student in the eHealth laboratory ofthe Frederick University in Limassol, Cyprus. He will be working on intelligent MRI image analysis in order to identify and predict types of metastatic brain tumors

2019- 2020 Research assistant on OBST2

2018 – 2019 Master Student at the University of Crete and IESL-FORTH in the BEC group on OBST2

2017 – 2019 : Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program in Optics and Vision in University of Crete and Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, FORTH

2011 – 2017 : Diploma in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece

White paper on: Exploring the Foundations of the Universe with Space Tests of the Equivalence Principle

We have just published on https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.11785 a white paper on the scientific motivation for future space tests of the equivalence principle, to explore some of the big questions in physics (e.g. Equivalence Principle, Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves) using matter-wave interferometry, especially in space.

We discuss two possible mission scenarios, one based on quantum technologies, the other on electrostatic accelerometers, that could reach that goal are briefly discussed. We propose experiments to test the universality of free fall, at the level of 10−17 or better.

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