Category Archives: Alumni Master Student

Mary Georgousi

12/2022 – today PhD Student on Space Optics
09/2021 – 10/2022 MSci Student on Space Optics

Mary joined us in September 2021 to work on a novel spectroscopy model for quantum space missions.

Mary Georgousi is a PhD student in the Space–Optics Group in IESL. She completed her undergraduate studies in Physics at the Physics Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. As member of the  Gravitational Waves Group – AUTh, she has worked on  probing the properties of our Galaxy based on the detection of gravitational waves from LISA. She then obtained her MSc diploma on Advanced Physics, focusing on astrophysics and space applications, in the Physics Department of University of Crete. She is also a member of SpaceDot  team, participating in Fly your satellite! 3 program for CubeSats.



Vasiliki Bolpasi

05/2014 –  10/2020 Research Assistant on BEC2 and AtomQT
02/2009 – 04/2014 PhD Student
09/2006 – 06/2008 Master Student

Vasiliki joined the Cretan Matter-Waves Group in October 2005 as an undergraduate student. She graduated from the Physics Department of the University of Crete in October 2006. Right after that, she started her Master in Optoelectronics – Microelectronics in the University of Crete, where she completed her master thesis working on high-power tapered-diode lasers. She has recently finished her PhD on high flux atom lasers and now she works in our lab as a postdoc. She is now teaching at the University of Crete.

T S Hrudya

02/2020 – 06/2020 MSci Student on BEC1

Hrudya joined us in February 2020 to work on the BEC1 experiment. Unfortunately, soon after her arrival, we were locked down due to the Covid crisis. Hrudya successfully switched to Theory and wrote a very successful Master Thesis on Analytic Solutions and Experimental Applications for Thick and Thin Magnetic Coils. She then graduated from the International School of Photonics Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin, India, 2020.

Picture of Vangelis Tzardis

Vangelis Tzardis

01/2021 – to date PhD Student at the Frederick University in Cyprus

08/2018- 09/2019 Master Student on OBST2
09/2019- 10/2020 Research Assistant on OBST2

Education and Employment:

2020 – today PhD student in the eHealth laboratory ofthe Frederick University in Limassol, Cyprus. He will be working on intelligent MRI image analysis in order to identify and predict types of metastatic brain tumors

2019- 2020 Research assistant on OBST2

2018 – 2019 Master Student at the University of Crete and IESL-FORTH in the BEC group on OBST2

2017 – 2019 : Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program in Optics and Vision in University of Crete and Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, FORTH

2011 – 2017 : Diploma in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece

Giannis Drougakis

Alumnus Postdoc
10/2021 – 7/2024 Postdoc on BEC 1 and Space Optics
11/2016 – 10/2021 PhD Student on BEC 1 and OBST
03/2015 – 10/2016 Master Student on the ESA-OBST project

Giannis joined the Cretan Matter Waves group in March 2015 to work on the ESA-OBST project. He holds a diploma in electrical and computer engineering (2012) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He received his master’s degree from the inter-institutional graduate program “Vision and Optics”, of the University of Crete finishing his master thesis entitled “Vibrational and angular stability of optical systems for space applications” in December 2015. He continued for his PhD working on BEC 1 and OBST, graduating in October 2021. He is now a postdoc on BEC 1 and OBST. He is going to be the head of telecommunications at the airport in Heraklion and will be in charge of this topic at the new airport in Kastelli