Category Archives: Alumni Master Student

Panagiotis Christodoulou

01/2016 – 08/2016 Research Assistant
(01/2015 – 01/2016 Military Service)
01/2014 – 07/2014 Master Thesis


Panagiotis is now doing a PostDoc in the group of Tilman Esslinger at the ETH in Zurich.


Panagiotis has done his PhD thesis in the group of Professor Zoran Hadzibabic at the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, where he studied bosons in a two-dimensional homogeneous traps, resulting in three Nature papers.


Panagiotis fulfilled his Master at Microsystems and Nanostructures offered by the National Technical University of Athens in conjunction with the National Center for Scientific Research ‘Dimokritos‘ with a Master thesis entitled ‘Quantifying a cold thermal cloud as a resource for quantum degeneracy in a Ioffe-Pritchard trap’ in the Cretan Matter Waves group.

Undergraduate Studies

Panagiotis studied School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. He chose the field of Electronics as a specialization and obtained his degree with a diploma thesis in the field of Many-Body Physics (theory), entitled ‘Quantum states of order at LAO/STO and LTO/STO interfaces’

Gustav Wikström

05/2009-10/2009 Master Student

Gustav joined the Cretan Matter-Waves Group in May 2009 to do his thesis work for his master at Umeå University, Sweden. He was born in the northern part of Sweden in a town called Umeå. He did his master thesis with us at the Cretan Matterwave group in collaboration with the departement of physics at Umeå University. His topic was dark-ground imaging of atoms from a MOT.

Nicolas Lagos

08/2006 – 09/2007 Master Student

Nick joined the Cretan Matter-Waves Group in August 2006 as a Master student. He then did his mandatory service in the Greek army. Nick is now doing a PhD at the University of Patras in Department of Materials Science and also at the Institute of Materials in E.K.E.F.E at the Demokritos Institute in Athens. He is currently working on the theory of nanowires and nanoparticles structures.